Friday, July 5, 2013

Melody Valve Procedure

The aforementioned minor heart problem I have requires an occasional corrective surgery. Three previous surgeries have been of the "open heart" variety. Firstly as an infant, second was a Ross Procedure at age ten, and most recently a Pulmonic Valve replacement in 2006. That seven year old donor valve is starting to wear out according to my cardiologist and he is a very clever man, so I take him at his word. Those earlier procedures were all performed at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, AL. On Tuesday, I'll have a cath-lab Melody Valve installed by the experts at LLU Hospital in Loma Linda.

After doing a small amount of research on it, I'm pretty happy about the deal. I'll be able to work Monday, have the procedure on Tuesday, rest Wednesday, and be back at work on Thursday next Monday. That beats the heck out of being laid up six weeks recuperating from thoracic surgery. Below are some interesting links to those who want to see what my new valve will look like. I appreciate prayers from anyone for success. Happy Everyday!

Melody Valve video on Youtube

P-E article w/ photo of my doctors

Update Oct. 2014

So it has been fifteen months and all is well. I had a routine cardiology appointment in August that confirmed my valves are all functioning fine, and aside from my required aspirin regimen and 20mg Lisinopril I give it no thought. I stay too busy working and raising a beautiful daughter to worry about leaky heart valves. I am fit, and don't tire easily. I may need another surgery in 7-10 years, more or less... but that is far down the road and hopefully the technology will be even more amazing by then! 

I see that more than 150 people have read my initial post; most likely you found it by Googling "Melody Valve". I pray that wether it be you, a friend or family member facing Heart Surgery that you be of good cheer. I've been on the table four times, the first three involved cutting open my chest. Risks involved with Melody Valve procedures are minimal, healing time quick, and scar is non-existent. Remember that laughter is the best medicine; God Bless. :) Philippians 1:6


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Here's to life - Prayers, and good thoughts go with you.
