Long time, no posts!
I've had quite a busy year since my last post. Heart surgery with multi-valve replacement, trip to NYC, New Hampshire, Boston, and family trip to Sequoia Nat'l Park. Getting very proficient at the reloading bench has been fun... Also expecting child number two late next month... all the while teaching as a full-time sub and part-time Daddy Daycare. It keeps me busy!
Will flesh out this post more in the coming days. With so much stuff to write about I'll try to avoid the politics and stay on happy subjects (eek, nasty election year).
In April of last year (2015), I had a complex heart surgery. Technically it was a redo-redo-Ross Procedure to fix my torn valve leaflet. Sadly, this was goodbye to my Melody Valve. When you have a valve leaflet tear, it is totally painless and unrecognizable except for an onset of fatigue and tell-tale "cooing" sound where you should hear a tick-tick.